Sunday Comic Picks

On April 17, 2011, in Comic Books, by Kate Sherrod

iZombie #12 Writer: Chris Roberson Pencils: Gilbert Hernandez Colors: Laura Allred Letters: Todd Klein Publisher Vertigo It’s a good week when I feel challenged to choose my favorite single issue out of that week’s comics haul. This is such a week; I read through my modest (but excellent) pile this morning and spent most of […]

Nerd News Roundup for June 17, 2010

On June 17, 2010, in News, by Patrick Hester

Nerd Worthy News Scifi & Fantasy Terry Pratchett enters parallel worlds of science fiction LATimes: Free science fiction for the iPad from CNNTech: ‘Spock’ promotes ‘movie karaoke’ at E3 Grasping for the Wind: Book Review: Who Fears Death by Nnedi Okorafor io9: Return to Narnia with Voyage of The Dawn Treader’s first trailer […]

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