
The Functional Nerds Patreon PageThe Functional Nerds Patreon is now live! Like what we do every week? Want to support the show? We’ve made it easy with our Patreon. Choose the level you feel comfortable with. We’ll keep doing what we do no matter what, but having your support really means a lot and helps to keep us motivated and working.

Thanks to everyone who has already given us their support:

Patrons List as of 2020-02-16

  1. Amy Fredericks
  2. Anthony R. Cardno
  3. Beth F.
  4. C
  5. Chris Voss
  6. Christian Berntsen
  7. Cynthia (Sam) Coulter
  8. Daniel Sreebny
  9. J. C. Holder
  10. J.T. Evans
  11. Jason Youngberg
  12. Jeremy Frens
  13. John Klima
  14. Joseph
  15. Judy Trailer
  16. Mark Boeder
  17. MB Partlow
  18. Pagna Mmarkata
  19. Patrick Smythe
  20. Paul Grech
  21. Paul Jackson
  22. Paul McMullen
  23. Paul Weimer
  24. Paul Weymouth
  25. private
  26. Robert Junker
  27. Scott Pohlenz
  28. Stace Johnson
  29. Stephen Geigen-Miller
  30. Stephen Hood
  31. Steven
  32. Tarmo Rasmann

Thanks again everyone! Ready to back us yourself? Visit The Functional Nerds Patreon page today!

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