Don’t Be Hasty

On February 6, 2013, in Fitness Nerd, Sandra Wickham, by Sandra Wickham

The start of a new year brings with it renewed energy, strengthened resolve and fresh enthusiasm for all things in life. Usually that includes new plans for health and fitness, with people determined to make big changes in the way they eat and in the amount of exercise they do. I wholeheartedly encourage this and […]

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Don’t Believe the Hype

On September 7, 2012, in Fitness Nerd, Sandra Wickham, by Sandra Wickham

You can’t surf the net without being bombarded by ads for food that fight fat, the ultimate diet or quick fix workout program. Writers need to be wary of agents who approach them and say if the author pays them x amount of dollars, the agent will get them published and make them famous. The […]

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Holiday Survival Guide

On December 15, 2011, in News, by Sandra Wickham

We all know the holidays are filled with opportunities to merrily eat festive baked goods while drinking down buckets of holiday cheer. It’s no surprise the scale tends to go up a few pounds after the holiday season is over. Here are a few tips to help you avoid weight gain during one of the […]


The Gym Should Not Be A Scary Place

On September 19, 2011, in Fitness Nerd, Sandra Wickham, by Sandra Wickham

Are you afraid of the gym? Do you feel threatened by the beefy people filling the free weight room? Do you get intimidated by the amount of weight someone else is lifting? Do you often skip exercises or alter your workout because you are intimidated to use a piece of equipment or to ask to […]

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Drink Up!

On June 27, 2011, in Fitness Nerd, Sandra Wickham, by Sandra Wickham

No, this is not a cross post with the Booze Nerd. I’m talking about drinking plain old water. With the warm summer months upon most of us, it’s a great time to discuss the importance of drinking water. When I was a kid, I used to hate it when I asked for something to drink […]

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No Excuse but Every Reason

On April 14, 2011, in Fitness Nerd, by Sandra Wickham

Before I begin, let me quote my mother and say, “if it were easy, everyone would be doing it.” Living a healthy lifestyle is not always easy and I’m sorry to tell you, the responses to these excuses aren’t going to be quick fix answers. Most people have been leaning on their excuse crutches for […]

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Brains Need Brawn

On March 14, 2011, in Fitness Nerd, by Sandra Wickham

I was thrilled when John and Patrick asked me to be the Fitness Nerd columnist for Functional Nerds. I knew exactly what I wanted to write about in my first post. Stereotypes follow all of us around. I don’t think I really have to explain this to fans of the Functional Nerd podcast.  I want […]

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