Updating Your Tech Education Online (for Free!)

On June 7, 2012, in Carrie Cuinn, Tech Nerd, by CarrieCuinn

At some point or another, many of us find ourselves facing a new kind of technology, a new type of operating system, or a new look to the way we normally interface with our tech-driven world. As software is revised and updated and made old-fashioned, something new takes it place, and we have to learn […]

The Gym Should Not Be A Scary Place

On September 19, 2011, in Fitness Nerd, Sandra Wickham, by Sandra Wickham

Are you afraid of the gym? Do you feel threatened by the beefy people filling the free weight room? Do you get intimidated by the amount of weight someone else is lifting? Do you often skip exercises or alter your workout because you are intimidated to use a piece of equipment or to ask to […]

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