Book Received: Magic for a Price

On December 6, 2012, in Books Received, by Patrick Hester

Mass Market Paperback: 368 pages Publisher: Roc (November 6, 2012) Language: English ISBN-10: 0451464869 Official Description: For most of her life, Allison Beckstrom has used magic and accepted the heavy price it exacts. But now that all magic is poisoned, it’s no longer just using people—it’s killing them. With Portland about to descend into chaos, […]

Book Received: Magic Without Mercy

On April 13, 2012, in Books Received, by Patrick Hester

Mass Market Paperback: 368 pages Publisher: Roc; Original edition (April 3, 2012) Language: English ISBN-10: 0451464486 Official Description: Allison Beckstrom’s talent for tracking spells has put her up against some of the darkest elements in the world of magic. But she’s never faced anything like this. Magic itself has been poisoned, and Allie’s undead father […]

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