The Functional Nerds at Capricon 35, February 2015

On January 31, 2015, in News, by Patrick Hester

capricon-rr-logoYour friendly neighborhood podcasting duo will be making a rare live appearance at Capricon 35 in Wheeling, IL February 12th – the 15th 2015.  We’ll be on several panels and recording live in front of a studio audience!

We would love to see as many of you as will fit in the room for the live podcast!  There may even be some giveaways and fun stuff going on, so make a point of adding it to your con schedule.  We’d also love to hang out, chat, and meet and greet any fans attending the con, so here is where we will be:

The Functional Nerds Capricon Schedule:


Patrick: How to Review Books – 5:00 pm to 6:30 pm – Ravinia A
More than just saying “I like it” or “I didn’t like it,” book reviewing can lead the discussion of the state of science fiction and open conversations that are important to the field. Becoming a reviewer is easier now than ever before due to the Internet, but how do you make your reviews stand out?  With: James Bacon, Richard Chwedyk, Mark Oshiro, Steven H Silver.

Patrick and John: Opening Ceremonies – 8:00 pm to 9:30 pm – River AB
Welcome to Capricon 35: What Does R & R Mean to You. Join us as we kick off this year’s event and get some idea of what to expect and to meet our Guests of Honor (GoHs) and the people who make it all possible. With: Alexander James Adams, John Anealio, John Bivens, Matt Forbeck, Patrick Hester, Elizabeth Huffman, John “Shadowcat” Ickes, Terrence Miltner, Margaret Weis.


Patrick: Pink Sock Puppets: Marketing Towards Women – 1:00 pm to 2:30 pm – Birch A
In a world full of comics, movies and pens, there’s now Insta-Dame(tm) – a new product that makes anything appealing to women by adding pink sparkles! There’s more to reaching an audience than dying it pink or adding a curvaceous bum. Learn how to succeed in business without even trying, or at least alienating 50% of the population. With: Sondra de Jong, Patrick Hester, Ariela Housman, Renee Ismail, Caitlin Rosberg.

Patrick and John: Podcast Proliferation: Overview of Geeky Podcasts – 2:30 pm to 4:00 pm – Willow
Fans everywhere are taking to the Internet to start their own podcast. There are so many fun, geeky, SF/F related podcasts out there, it’s hard to know where to start. Have no worries, though – our Podcast Guests of Honor, The Functional Nerds, are here to help you navigate your way. With: John Anealio, Chad Burns, Patrick Hester, Mary Robinette Kowal.

Patrick: Hugo Awards Nominating – 5:30 pm to 7:00 pm – Willow
It’s our favorite time of year!  Hugo Award nominating is happening now! Join our roundtable discussion for a look back at 2014 and some thoughts on who and what deserves to be nominated this year. (Note: This panel will provide a very brief overview of the process of how to nominate, but the focus is on discussing what works deserve nomination.) With: Sara Felix, Patrick Hester, Dave McCarty.


The Functional Nerds – Live! – 1:00 pm to 2:30 pm – Willow
Live podcast by our Guests of Honor, Patrick Hester and John Anealio, also known as The Functional Nerds. With: ? (come and find out!)

John: GRRM vs JRRT – 4:00 pm to 5:30 pm – Botanic Garden B
It’s the battle of the reigning kings of fantasy! George R.R. Martin is currently hugely popular, with both the books of A Song of Ice and Fire series as well as the adaptation on HBO, Game of Thrones.  J.R.R. Tolkien’s The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings trilogy have been “must reads” for many fans of the fantasy genre, and the film adaptations by Peter Jackson have won awards and gathered legions of fans. Our panelists look at what makes both these authors so popular. John Anealio, Rebecca L. Ciardullo, Amanda Daly, Toni Lichtenstein Bogolub, Neal Litherland, Wendy Zdrodowski.

Patrick: Capaldi is Kind of Growing on Me – 7:00 pm to 8:30 pm – Birch B
It wouldn’t be a science fiction convention without a Doctor Who panel! We’ll just step back and let our panelists take it from here. With: Anne Elliot, Patrick Hester,
Robin Silver, Michael D. Thomas, Michi Trota.


John: SF Rock n Roll – 11:30 am to 1:00 pm – Botanic Garden
Science fiction has both inspired and been inspired by music. Some authors will include playlists at the end of their book, listing the songs they had on repeat while writing the book. Our musical panelists will share some of their favorites. Alexander James Adams, John Anealio, Eric Coleman, Susan Weiner.

Patrick and John: Closing Ceremonies / Feedback Session – 3:00 pm to 4:30 pm – River AB
Sadly, every convention must come to an end, and so must this one. Come end the weekend in style and tell us your thoughts, good or bad; your feedback helps us make every Capricon fun! The Powers That Be of Capricon 36 will also give a hint of what’s to come when we convene in 2016. With: Alexander James Adams, John Anealio, John Bivens, Marinda Darnell, Matt Forbeck, Patrick Hester, Elizabeth Huffman, John “Shadowcat” Ickes, Terrence Miltner, Margaret Weis.

We are looking forward to seeing everyone at the con!

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