Episode 480-Just Us and The Mandalorian

On February 16, 2021, in Podcast, by Patrick Hester

The MandalorianIn a very special Just Us episode, Patrick and Tracy are talking about The Mandalorian! Tracy’s family, having just finished a binge-watch of both seasons, had thoughts to share. We may also talk about The Clone Wars, the novel Star Wars: Ahoska, and about the strangest recipe for baked spaghetti ever…

This episode originally appeared in the patrons-only feed for our backers over at a href=”https://www.patreon.com/functionalnerds?ty=h” target=”_blank” rel=”noopener noreferrer”>the Functional Nerds Patreon page. If you like this episode, consider becoming a backer of the show! The $10 tier (and higher tiers) includes these monthly Just Us episodes where Patrick and Tracy let their hair down and nerd-out about stuff.


© 2021 Patrick Hester

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