Episode 496-Just Us, Monty Python and Root Beer

On June 22, 2021, in Podcast, by Patrick Hester

Monty Python's Final Rip Off AlbumThis week, Patrick and Tracy welcome share a special Just Us episode from the Patreon feed, wherein they discuss: Monty Python, Spam, Video Games and Windows theme overlays, Keyboards, dog farts, Star Trek, fanzines, manual typewriters, geek culture, buying habits, Patreon and Kickstarter, custom refrigerators with soft serve, root beer (and other) floats, pizza and ice cream, tea, West Virginia, mountain mamas, Malort, Chicago, comfort food, Kentucky, bbq, Harned’s, The Paducah Dog, Long John Silver’s, hush puppies, comfort food, Cracker Barrel, vaccinations, Joliet, The Blues Brothers, The Lord of the Rings, HBOMax, DC’s Harley Queen, Death at a funeral (original), and Alan Tudyk.


© 2021 Patrick Hester

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