Free Open-Source Software For Your Windows (or Mac) Machines

On February 13, 2013, in Carrie Cuinn, Tech Nerd, by CarrieCuinn

I recently bought a netbook, after not having a portable computer for a few months. It came pre-installed with Windows 7, which doesn’t usually matter to me because I like to replace the native OS with Ubuntu or another Linux-variation. This time I decided to keep Windows on it because there are a few things […]

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Working With My Head In the Cloud

On September 15, 2011, in Carrie Cuinn, Tech Nerd, by CarrieCuinn

Once you begin to work with multiple computers, smart phones, and other devices, you might find yourself needing a file on one system that you last opened on another system. As a writer, I find this happens to me all the time. I often start a story on my desktop computer but later need it […]

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Welcome to the (Functional) Future

On September 1, 2011, in Carrie Cuinn, Tech Nerd, by CarrieCuinn

I love living in the future. I get woken up in the morning by my hand-held personal computer / communications device, which is programmed to notify me via sound and vibration at the exact moment I want to be awake. Without getting out of bed I can slide my finger across the touch-sensitive screen, and […]

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