Drink and Draw! (a twitter event and more)

On July 13, 2011, in Andy Romine, Art Nerd, Galen Dara, The Booze Nerd, by Galen Dara

I’ve asked Booze Nerd Andy Romine to assist me in writing this post as we gear up for a Functional Nerds Drink & Draw party.  Thank you Andy! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Functional Nerds twitter event: Drink & Draw! When: The evening of Friday July 15th. Where: tweeting from a computer/mobile device near you. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Drink • and […]

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Limited Offer: The Booze Nerd Shirt

On March 29, 2011, in News, The Booze Nerd, by Patrick Hester

Introducing the Booze Nerd T-Shirt! Want people to know that yours is a sophisticated palette?  That you don’t mess around with just any old drink – you prefer your liquor mixed, blended – the classic cocktail is your raison detre. Well, now you can have your drink and advertise it too! The Limited Edition Booze […]

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