Episode 615-With James Enge

On February 27, 2024, in Podcast, by Patrick Hester

Old Moon Quarterly: Issue 3 with "EVIL HONEY" by James EngeThis week, Patrick and Tracy welcome James Enge, author of EVIL HONEY, a new Morlock Ambrosius short story.

About Old Moon Quarterly: Issue 3, Winter 2023: Old Moon Quarterly is a small, independent online magazine devoted to publishing weird sword-and-sorcery fiction set in a historical paranormal setting or a secondary-world, with a focus on well-rounded characters driving strange action.

About EVIL HONEY: Morlock runs afoul of the god of bees and is forced to enter a society stained by evil and madness.

About James Enge: James Enge, lives in northwest Ohio with his wife and a relentless canine researcher. He’s written Blood of Ambrose (shortlisted for the World Fantasy Award in 2010 and the Prix Imaginales in 2011), This Crooked Way, The Wolf Age, and A Tournament of Shadows, a trilogy comprising Morlock’s origin story. He’s also written a fair amount of short fiction, which has appeared in Black Gate, in the Stabby-Award-winning Blackguards, in ZNB anthologies such as Guilds & Glaives, in The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction, and elsewhere.

In his day job, he teaches Latin and various kinds of mythology (classical myth, Norse myth, medieval legend, etc) at a medium-sized public university in Ohio.

This week’s picks:


© 2024 Patrick Hester

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