Just Us, Food and Fandom

On May 5, 2020, in Podcast, by Patrick Hester

Having survived April, Patrick and Tracy are talking about food and fandom this week. Both enjoy cooking for themselves and others, and in this episode explore the links between food and the genre’s we love. Plus – they play the inaugural game of THUNDERDOME…


© 2020 Patrick Hester

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5 Responses to Just Us, Food and Fandom

  1. Tracy McIntyre says:

    Extra sharp cheddar cheese on apple pie is also a tradition in Northern New England (Vermont, New Hampshire & Maine). We usually eat it for breakfast with a cup off coffee. In Vermont, we also have sugar on snow parties. Boiled (soft ball stage) maple syrup over snow. It is served with a big dill pickle and a glazed raised doughnut.

    • Tracy Townsend says:

      Sugar served with WHAT NOW?
      . . .
      . . .
      Okay, we didn’t get to this during the podcast, but pickles are my “I would not eat this if you put a gun to my head” food. Scary, slimy undead cucumbers, the lot of ’em.

    • Jason Youngberg says:

      I remember the something about that from “Little House in the Big Woods” by Laura Ingalls Wilder.

  2. Tracy Townsend says:

    Sugar served with WHAT NOW?
    . . .
    . . .
    Okay, we didn’t get to this during the podcast, but pickles are my “I would not eat this if you put a gun to my head” food. Scary, slimy undead cucumbers, the lot of ’em.

  3. Peter Willard says:

    As a fan and a chef I really enjoyed this episode. Are either of you familiar with “Leaves from the Inn of the Last Home?” In addition to being a sourcebook about Krynn it also has recipes. These include Otik’s fried potatoes, Fizban’s fireball chili, and Shrimp Tarsis, which is made with chicken.

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