What We Can Learn from the Success of Deadpool

On February 15, 2016, in Movies and Film, by John Anealio


1. Not every superhero movie needs to be rated PG-13

Sure, an R rating is going to limit the potential audience for a movie, but forcing every movie into a PG-13 rating is the very definition of lowest common denominator thinking. We’ll get better movies if they’re allowed to express their ideas with as little filtering as possible.

2. Nerds like to make fun of themselves

There’s this idea that nerds take themselves and their favorite properties with grave seriousness. Hogwash. Geeks revel in poking fun at themselves and the heroes and stories that they love. Look no further than the success of Robot Chicken, Bad Lip Reading and recent SNL videos for proof.

3. Women like superhero movies too

Deadpool smashed box office records this weekend. Valentine’s day weekend no less. Clearly, it wasn’t just dudes who went to see it.


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