Book Received: The Last President (A Novel of Daybreak)
Hardcover: 400 pages
Publisher: Ace Hardcover (September 3, 2013)
ISBN-10: 1937007154
Official Description: For more than a year, Heather O’Grainne and her small band of heroes, operating out of Pueblo, Colorado, have struggled to pull the United States back together after it shattered under the impact of the event known as Daybreak. Now they are poised to bring the three or four biggest remaining pieces together, with a real President and Congress, under the full Constitution again. Heather is very close to fulfilling her oath, creating a safe haven for civilization to be reborn.
But other forces are rising too.
Some people like the new life better…
In a devastated, splintered, postapocalyptic United States, with technology thrown back to biplanes, black powder, and steam trains, a tiny band of visionaries struggles to re-create Constitutional government and civilization itself, as a new dark age takes shape around them.

Patrick Hester
Patrick Hester is a writer, blogger, podcasting dude, Denver transplant and all around Functional Nerd. ...don't hate him cuz he has a cool hat. His Blog | His Twitter | His Facebook