I recently received a copy of White Elephant from Brian Kelley. Brian is trying to fund his game thru kickstarter and sent out a few demos to get feedback on and also to get the word out about this fun party card game. White Elephant is based on the annual tradition of holiday party gift exchanges.
In between reading a book by a guy who “is not my bitch” and Real Life(TM) I sat down this week with some friends at work and played through a few “Parties” and we had ourselves a grand old time. The game mechanics are fairly easy and can be picked up in a flash even if you do not know what a white elephant gift exchange is. Each player is assigned a list of people to find presents for and the goal is to have the highest point combination at the end of the “parties”.
The rounds went very quickly with the traditional fun of steal and face retribution that make the White Elephant so much fun. During our games we did find that there is a distinct advantage to being the first pick in the final round. Overall it was a very enjoyable game and I hope it reaches the funding goal in time. Please give him some of your time and love.
Links from above:
Kickstarter: http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/bkelley/white-elephant-card-game
White Elephant Card Game: http://whiteelephantcardgame.com/
George R.R. Martin is not your bitch: http://scifisongs.blogspot.com/2009/08/sci-fi-song-20-george-rr-martin-is-not.html