Nerd Worthy News
Scifi & Fantasy
- Airlock Alpha: Bear McCreary Performs ‘Battlestar Music’ On Piano
- Airlock Alpha: Fall 2011: Well, It Could Have Been Worse
- Airlock Alpha: BBC Gives ‘Doctor Who’ A Seventh Season
- Airlock Alpha: ‘Game Of Thrones’: Episode 9 Preview
- Airlock Alpha: Jane Espenson Moves To ‘Once Upon A Time’
- Bowing to the Future: Monty Python Talks About… Writing
- Bowing to the Future: 2011 Chesley Award Finalists
- Grasping for the wind: Why do lit-ah-rary types look down on SF?
- Grasping for the wind: SFFWRTCHT: A Chat With Author Sam Sykes
- Grasping for the wind: Magic Systems: Awakening
- Grasping for the wind: Book Review: Robopocalypse by Daniel H. Wilson
- Grasping for the wind: SFFWRTCHT: A Chat With Author Paul S. Kemp
- Grasping for the wind: TV Review: Falling Skies, Series Premiere
- A dribble of ink: An Aside | The first review of A DANCE WITH DRAGONS by George R.R. Martin
- A dribble of ink: Art | Paper Cut Silhouettes by Olly Moss
- A dribble of ink: Synopsis | SPELLBOUND by Blake Charlton *UPDATED*
- Life, Dr Who and Combom: Amazing Facts About Doctor Who That May Not Be True – Pi
- Life, Dr Who and Combom: Amazing Facts About Doctor Who That May Not Be True – Hawaiian Shirts
- Life, Dr Who and Combom: Amazing Facts About Doctor Who That May Not Be True – TARDIS
- Life, Dr Who and Combom: Amazing Facts About Doctor Who That May Not Be True – Time Lords
- Life, Dr Who and Combom: Doctor Who Science Fact — New Periodic Table Elements
- Kevin J Anderson: A Month of Terra Incognita
- Kevin J Anderson: Faster than the Speed of Publishing: eBooks
- Kevin J Anderson: Doug Beason interview on THE TRINITY PARADOX
- SF Signal: FINALISTS: 2011 Campbell Award
- SF Signal: [GUEST POST] Alexander Hammond on The Murder of ‘Rollerball’
- SF Signal: MIND MELD: What SF/F Authors Should Be Considered for the Nobel Prize in Literature?
- SF Signal: [GUEST POST] Jonathan Wood on Where The Pulp SF is Hiding
- SF Signal: [GAME TRAILER] Star Wars: The Old Republic
- SF Signal: [GUEST POST] Roll Perception Plus Awareness: Pathfinder RPG
- SF Signal: VIDEO: Cassini Flyby Set To Haunting Music